"Hola" from the beautiful Cartagena!

I have been taking a couple of days off from blogging - being lazy and enjoying our vacation. My dad and stepmom decided to come all the way from Germany to visit us in Colombia and to explore this beautiful country - so exciting!

It's hard to be so far away from my family, so I'm super happy to be able to spend a couple of weeks with them and to show them where we live. After all, life in South America is so different from what they are used to. It also doesn't hurt that we took on the job as their "tour guide", meaning that we get to show them some extremely beautiful places - enjoying a mini-vacation that wasn't really planned!

We are currently in the historical part of Cartagena, laying on the pool which oversees a busy plaza and taking a break from walking and exploring. This gave me time to look at some of the pictures I took yesterday while staying on a small island about an hour of a boat ride away from the city. And let me tell you - it was spectacular! 

Besides snorkeling - which is one of my favorite things to do on a beach vacation - we got to eat fresh caught fish, sip on Limonada de Coco (my favorite!), and relax all day. The people from the island took really good care of us and were incredibly humble and sweet - like most people from Colombia. 

We are going to spend another two days in this stunning city, exploring it's unique architecture and delicious cuisine, until we pack our bags and travel to our next stop: Medellin!

girl beach island colombia

beach couple kissing

I even made a new friend!

My parents truly enjoyed themselves


  1. Beautiful pictures!! I was only in Cartagena for a day (on a cruise) but absolutely loved it.

    1. I can image how stunning the cruise must have been, how much fun! Cartagena is such a special place, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)


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