Recipe: Guilt-Free & High Protein Cookie Dough

The first time I had protein powder after the gym (about 3 years ago) I could hardly get it down. Mixed with only water, it really wasn't delicious at all and didn't have the creamy consistency described on the package. Since then, I have constantly been trying to find different ways to make protein powder taste better - no matter as a shake or a treat.

In the past, I have added different fruits, Greek yogurt, peanut butter and even cottage cheese (not my best moment!). Now, I usually mix my powder with half water/half almond milk, a banana and some cinnamon for my go-to shake - which is creamy and tasty. I still like to try different recipes, especially when the results are calorie-friendly and protein-packed treats.

My current favorite? High-protein cookie dough! I found this recipe a while ago but haven't had the time to try it until beginning of March. I do love cookie dough (who doesn't?) and this treat is delicious by itself, frozen or spread on rice-cakes (this is usually what I do with left overs - if I have any. You will have to add a tiny bit more almond milk to make it creamier and more spreadable). 

Makes: 1 serving size
3/4 scoop vanilla protein powder
2 TBSP peanut butter
1 TBSP almond milk
optional: chocolate chips
1. Mix all ingredients until achieving a cookie dough like consistency
2. Freeze, eat right away or spread on fruits/rice cakes


  1. I'm going to try this with my Juice Plus Complete! Not that it needs anything added to it to make it yummy. If you're looking for a delicious protein shake let me know, I can send you samples. :-)

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  3. Just made some! It tasted good unfrozen, but I popped it in the freezer. We'll see when it's frozen :D I bet it's even better. I used sugar free chocolate chips and added a teeny bit more soymilk. Just my own preference

  4. What kind of protein powder? Whey? Pea?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Very good! I am a Cookie dough fanatic and this will satisfy the cravings. Mine tasted more like peanut butter cookie dough rather than chocolate chip, but whatever, I liked it!


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