DIY Butterfly Bookmarks

DIY Felt Butterfly Bookmarks

Yes, you probably already guessed it... I love butterflies! I'm also a big reader, so it was just a matter of time until I combine two of my loves and get crafty!

These super cute butterfly bookmarks are ridiculously easy to make! Make them as a gift for your loved ones, or as a fun craft project with your kids. The only things you need are pieces of felt, paper clips, a scissor and glue. That's it! Now it's time to get creative

DIY Felt Butterfly Bookmarks - What You Will Need

DIY Felt Butterfly Bookmarks

DIY Felt Butterfly Bookmarks

DIY Felt Butterfly Bookmarks

DIY Felt Butterfly Bookmarks

DIY Felt Butterfly Bookmarks

DIY Felt Butterfly Bookmarks

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